PREP: Substance Use Disorder Prevention Resources & Education for Parents & Caregivers
Program Details
Parents / Caregivers
Estimated Completion Time:
55 minutes
Number of Modules:
PREP Course Description
Parents and caregivers are the most powerful influence in deterring their children from alcohol, nicotine, and other drug use. When parents/caregivers have skills, knowledge, and resources regarding substance use and prevention, their influence on their children’s actions and decisions increases. This program for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers provides information that research shows can reduce the chances that young people will engage in substance use.
Expected Learning Outcomes
The expected learning outcomes of the course are to:
- Understand what addiction is, why the teen brain is particularly vulnerable to the effects of substances, and what key risk and protective factors exist for use and addiction.
- Identify the different types of substances, their appearance, appeal, and common trends.
- Describe the importance of talking early and often, having clear and consistent rules against substance use and fostering a strong relationship with your children.
- List additional resources for the prevention of youth substance use and support if concerns arise that a teen is using alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs.
Take the Course or Learn More
- Take the course. New users, please use the “Sign Up” link on the next page to set a password. Returning users, you can sign-in using your email and previously selected password.
- Contact Caron’s Education Department for more information about this course at 610-743-6117.
- Download/print a PREP course brochure.
- Return to the Digital Learning library.
The prompts for discussing substance abuse in your family are good and very helpful. This is also a great course for parents to complete if they have a child in a treatment program."
I found that the 7Cs of resilience was pretty good. Just the idea of making the effort to build resilience in your children is a good idea. I will be using this with my son moving forward."
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