Short- & Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Dependence
The effects of alcohol use can lead to many mental health problems, health conditions, and risk factors for your short-term and long-term health. These can include brain damage, pancreatitis, high blood pressure, liver disease, cirrhosis, heart disease, and more. At Caron Treatment Centers we help navigate substance use disorders so you can begin the road to recovery.
What Are the Effects of Alcohol Dependence?
Short-Term Effects of Alcohol Use
Alcohol (also known as ethanol or ethyl alcohol) is a psychoactive drug that acts as a central nervous system depressant. Alcohol interferes with communication between nerve cells and all other cells and affects various centers in the brain. Even moderate consumption of alcohol causes immediate effects, such as lowered inhibitions, increased relaxation, and dulled senses.
As alcohol consumption (and blood alcohol) increases, users may experience:
- heightened emotional responses (including anger and aggression)
- lack of coordination
- poor balance
- slurred speech
- dizziness
- disturbed sleep
- nausea and vomiting
Alcohol affects the body in stages, causing various states of being, including:
- relaxation
- euphoria
- excitement
- confusion
- stupor
Extreme alcohol consumption can cause memory loss (blackouts), complete loss of coordination and alcohol poisoning. In some cases, alcohol overdose can be fatal.
Other short-term effects of alcohol include harm to the body’s tissues:
- Stomach: Alcohol irritates the stomach and intestine lining and increases stomach acid secretion. This causes vomiting.
- Skin: Alcohol increases blood flow to the skin, causing users to sweat and appear flushed.
- Muscles: Alcohol, and reduces blood flow to the muscles, causing muscle aches (most notably felt as the alcohol leaves the system.) This effect is often called a hangover.
The severity of the effects of alcohol is dependent on a variety of factors including the weight, age, and sex of the individual consuming the alcohol and how much was eaten before and during consumption. Alcohol is eventually metabolized and eliminated from the system at a rate of 13 to 18 mg per hour.
Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Use.
Excessive use can lead to use and dependence, both of which may ultimately require treatment. Individuals who abuse alcohol may develop physical symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation or drastic reduction of alcohol consumption. As with any drug dependence, physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms from alcohol will develop in anyone who has regularly been drinking heavily for an extended period of time if and when intake is suddenly curtailed.
Despite its negative effects, alcohol use and dependence can be successfully managed. Caron’s holistic approach to alcohol dependence treatment can lead to recovery and restore lives.
Recover from Alcohol Use Disorder with Caron Treatment Centers
At Caron Treatment Centers we provide expert inpatient and outpatient treatment for those who struggle with heavy drinking. We provide support groups to individuals and their loved ones as they navigate the detoxification process. Contact us today to learn more about alcohol treatment.
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