Drug Use

What is Morphine

Morphine is considered one of the most effective drugs for managing severe and chronic pain, but its potential for an overuse disorder must also be taken into consideration when deciding on an appropriate treatment plan.

History of Morphine

Morphine was discovered in 1804 by German chemist Friedrich Sertürner, who named it after the Greek god of dreams, Morpheus. Morphine has been used medically since the early 19th century and is still one of the most commonly prescribed pain medications today. It has also been widely used as a recreational drug due to its euphoric effects. Morphine is marketed under generic and brand name products, including MS-Contin®, Oramorph SR®, MSIR®, Roxanol®, Kadian®, and RMS®.

The Pharmacology of Morphine

Morphine is an opioid medication used for moderate to severe pain relief. Morphine works by binding to the central nervous system and opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord to activate the reward pathways, creating feelings of pleasure and relaxation. The use of morphine as an opioid analgesic can provide relief and pain management that may otherwise be unbearable.

Side Effects of Morphine

The most common side effects of morphine include nausea, constipation, drowsiness, sleepiness, lightheadedness, dizziness, confusion, and itching. Other more serious side effects include diarrhea, loss of appetite, anxiety, depression, memory loss, low blood pressure, respiratory depression (slowed breathing/breathing problems), and physical dependence. A missed dose of morphine can also cause adverse effects.

Why Can Morphine Dependency Form?

Morphine use can lead to physical dependence, even when taken as prescribed by a doctor because of the way it works in the brain. When morphine binds to opioid receptors, the body quickly adjusts to this artificial stimulus and begins to crave more of the drug. As tolerance builds over time, greater amounts of morphine must be taken in order to experience the same effects. This leads to physical dependence if left unchecked.

Morphine Dependency Treatment

Morphine dependency can be effectively treated with a combination of medications, counseling, and other supportive therapies. Medications like naloxone and buprenorphine can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, while counseling can provide patients with the tools they need to cope with and manage their dependency.

Morphine Dependency Recovery with Caron Treatment Centers

At Caron Treatment Centers, we specialize in treating individuals struggling with substance use disorders including morphine dependency. Our highly-trained healthcare team is dedicated to helping those suffering from opioid use disorder (OUD) reclaim their lives. We provide comprehensive treatment programs that include individual and group counseling, medication-assisted treatment, relapse prevention strategies, and more.

If you or someone you know is suffering from or at risk of substance use disorder

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