Substance Use

How to Recognize a Meth Overdose

You may have learned about methamphetamine, or meth, from your local news. Mugshots of extremely thin, disheveled men and women arrested for methamphetamine use show the devastating effects of meth use and meth addiction.

For some, once they have experienced the overwhelming rush from meth, it can be hard to quit, leading them down a path of substance use and illicit drug use. The constant need for intense euphoric feelings puts any meth user at a high risk of drug overdose. Knowing how to treat someone experiencing a meth overdose can mean the difference between life and death.

What is Methamphetamine?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that causes a pleasurable sense of well-being or euphoria. It’s in the amphetamine class of drugs that stimulates the central nervous system. All amphetamines are United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) schedule II-controlled substances for their high abuse risk. Although various FDA-approved amphetamines, including Adderall and Ritalin, are used for the management and treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other conditions, there is only one prescription methamphetamine — Desoxyn.

Prescription methamphetamine is a strong stimulant drug used to treat obesity and ADHD. The FDA warns Desoxyn has a high potential for abuse and could lead to or exacerbate cardiovascular conditions. Although less than 9,000 prescriptions for methamphetamine are dispensed each year in the United States, in 2020, roughly 1.2 million Americans had a methamphetamine use disorder or meth addiction.

The demand for meth has given rise to a market for illegal stimulants. The street version — crystal meth, ice, or crank — is made in crude meth labs from ingredients found in over-the-counter cold medicines. Street meth is highly potent and often laced with fentanyl, an opioid 100 times stronger than morphine, driving an increase in fatal and non-fatal overdoses.

Signs of Methamphetamine Use

Anyone with a methamphetamine substance use disorder is at a high risk of overdose. By recognizing the side effects and signs of meth use, you may be able to intervene and prevent a meth overdose from occurring.

Meth increases the release of dopamine and, as a result, enhances the person’s mood and energy levels, leading to increased wakefulness and physical activity. The effects of meth on the body with short-term use include an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and a high body temperature (hyperthermia).

Other short-term meth use side effects include:

  • Decreased appetite

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Insomnia

  • Mood swings

  • Suicidal thoughts

In addition to worsening short-term effects, long-term use of methamphetamine significantly affects a person’s behavioral health and physical appearance. Long-term signs of meth use include:

  • Agitation

  • Confusion

  • Extreme weight loss

  • Hallucinations

  • Psychosis

  • Sagging skin

  • Sores, boils, and abscesses on the body

  • Severe tooth decay, known as “meth mouth”

  • Violence

For information about the impact of drug addiction in the United States, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website.

Methamphetamine Overdose Symptoms

There are two types of meth overdoses: acute and chronic. A life-threatening acute drug overdose usually occurs accidentally by ingesting too much meth. Chronic users often take higher doses of the drug to maintain the euphoria, eventually suffering from a meth overdose.

The drug dosage and duration of use will determine the severity of overdose symptoms, including:

  • Agitation

  • Chest pain

  • Coma

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Profuse sweating

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Overamping” or body shutting down

  • Paranoia

  • Seizures

  • Severe stomach pain

If not treated immediately and appropriately, a meth overdose can result in death or complications from a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, or other organ problems caused by overheating.

Early Signs of Overdose

If you notice any of these signs early on, seek medical attention immediately, as it could save a life.

Early signs of a meth overdose include:

  • Rapid heart rate and breathing

  • Sweating

  • High blood pressure

  • High body temperature

  • Muscle tension or tremors

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Seizures

  • Loss of consciousness

Seek medical attention right away if you or someone you love experiences these symptoms after taking meth.

What is Overamping?

Overamping is another term for overdose but specifically refers to an acute overdose. Sometimes it refers to a milder form of an overdose. The biggest risks include the body overheating, heart attack, stroke, not breathing, or even death. Overamping symptoms range in severity, and it’s important to get medical attention from healthcare professionals should you or a loved one find yourselves in this situation.

Different Types of Meth Overdose: Acute vs. Chronic Overdose

The main difference between an acute and chronic meth overdose is that acute overdose involves taking too much of the drug in one sitting (short-term), which can be life-threatening. Meth chronic overdose doesn’t involve a single massive dose. It’s a gradual buildup of damage to the body caused by frequent meth use.

Acute Meth Overdose Symptoms

  • Rapid heartbeat or irregular heartbeat

  • High blood pressure

  • Sweating

  • Paranoia

  • Agitation

  • Hallucinations

  • Coma

  • Death

Typically, people experience a meth acute overdose if they’ve taken too much of the drug in one sitting (a massive dose) or they mix it with other drugs (polydrug use), which increases their risk of overdose. Alternatively, they could have taken a dose of meth that has been tampered with.

Chronic Meth Overdose Symptoms

These symptoms may not be immediately noticeable, but they develop over time.

  • Organ damage (usually in the heart, kidneys, or liver)

  • Severe weight loss

  • Dental problems (also known as “meth mouth”)

  • Psychosis

  • An increased risk of getting infections

  • Cognitive problems (difficulty focusing and memory loss)

Someone who ingests meth regularly, even if they don’t take too much of the drug in a sitting, is still at risk of chronic overdose. The longer they use it, the higher their risk of overdose becomes.

The Dangers of Mixing Substances

Mixing drugs is a leading cause of overdose deaths. According to the CDC, nearly half of overdose deaths in the United States involve multiple substances, and that trend is only rising. The mixture often involves opioids, such as fentanyl (in 2021, more than half of all meth-related deaths involved fentanyl, PEW Charitable Trusts).

The rate of death from methamphetamine has risen every year since 2015, with 34,022 deaths just in 2022 alone.

Treatment for a Meth Overdose

If you suspect someone is in the throes of a methamphetamine overdose, follow these life-saving steps.

  1. Call 911. While Naloxone (Narcan) is an FDA-approved drug for reversing the effects of an opioid overdose, the medication does not help a methamphetamine overdose. There is no medicine for halting or reversing a meth overdose, so it is imperative to get the person medical care as quickly as possible.

  2. Stay safe. Some overdose scenarios include highly aggressive, threatening behavior. Be cautious and help keep others safe by removing dangerous objects from the area.

  3. Prevent injury. If the person is having a seizure, gently cushion their head to prevent injury and loosen constricting clothes to aid breathing.

  4. Protect from choking. Turn the person’s head or body to the side in case they vomit.

  5. Stay with the person. Do not leave the person alone. Monitor their condition and answer any questions the first responders may have regarding the person’s drug use.

The amount of drug ingested and how quickly the person received medical attention determine their prognosis. Certain mental health issues, memory loss, and insomnia can last for years, and medical complications can lead to permanent disability. Once immediate medical care is received, individuals often benefit from long-term recovery programs like the ones offered at drug treatment centers in Florida or similar treatment centers in other states.

Caron Offers Comprehensive Addiction Treatment

Know the signs of substance abuse and let Caron help your loved one. Whether you're considering rehabs in Pennsylvania or seeking treatment options closer to home, professional support is available to guide recovery. We offer comprehensive meth addiction treatment services, including inpatient detox, outpatient, health care, education, and counseling.

Contact us today online or call us at 1-866-559-1074.

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