How Adderall Affects the Brain: Long-Term Effects and the Risk of Adderall Addiction

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that over 15 million U.S. adults have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Often seen as a condition that typically affects children, recent statistics show that over half of individuals with ADHD were diagnosed as adults. Fortunately, an effective and accessible treatment is available, though it does come with a few caveats.

Adderall (dextroamphetamine-amphetamine) and other prescription drugs such as Ritalin (methylphenidate) can help people with ADHD feel more focused and increase their attention span. Unfortunately, illicit use of Adderall has become far too common, especially among high school and college students who look to the “study drug” for enhanced performance. Because of the way Adderall influences brain activity, there are questions about its use and misuse. Here, we’ll answer some of those questions, understand the lasting effects of long-term use, and learn about risks and signs of Adderall addiction.

What Is Adderall Used For?

Adderall is most commonly prescribed to treat ADHD, but it is also approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat narcolepsy. For individuals diagnosed with ADHD, Adderall has been seen as a game-changer.

Many of these people, both children and adults, are unable to focus on tasks, often cannot sit still, and may be impulsive. Adderall offers relief from these symptoms, helping those with ADHD to focus their minds and bodies and control impulsivity.

Since college and high school students under intense pressure are often looking to increase attention and wakefulness so that they can cram for exams or pull an “all-nighter,” many turn to Adderall. While they see this as a harmless study aid in which the reward is worth the risk, Adderall can be dangerous and even habit-forming when it is not prescribed for a diagnosed medical condition. Those interested in weight loss may also misuse Adderall, as it can cause a decrease in appetite.

How Does Adderall Affect the Brain?

Individuals with ADHD usually have lower levels of dopamine, which is a chemical neurotransmitter released in the brain and central nervous system that makes you feel good. Dopamine is released naturally when we do something that feels rewarding or pleasurable, but people who have ADHD don’t get that same “rush.” This lack of dopamine causes people with ADHD symptoms to constantly seek it out through stimulation. Adderall works by increasing levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine — so-called “happy hormones” — thus bringing the brain from a state of overstimulation to a normal state of stimulation.

But what does Adderall do to the “typical” person who does not have ADHD? A person starting out with normal levels of dopamine may feel a state of euphoria, increased wakefulness, and a better ability to cope with stress. This can make it easy to understand why Adderall is commonly misused by students who are feeling the pressures of exams, term papers, or sports.

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that changing the chemical makeup of your brain can have serious consequences, particularly when you aren’t actually lacking any of the hormones contained in Adderall.

Does Adderall Actually Make You Smarter?

No, Adderall does not make you smarter. Although Adderall use among adolescents and young adults is common in an attempt to achieve better grades, studies have shown that Adderall does not improve academic performance in those without ADHD. While it may make studying less distracting or more enjoyable, Adderall doesn’t actually make you smarter or improve cognitive function.

The reason there’s a perception that people who take Adderall are smarter is simply because those who need it — individuals with ADHD — are able to perform up to their full potential when taking it. Among neurotypical individuals, no evidence of increased cognitive ability has ever been found.

Because Adderall is a stimulant medication, it can have some effects that may feel to the user as if they’re performing better, e.g. ability to focus, increased stamina, etc. However, these effects are temporary and can be accomplished without chemical enhancement in most neurotypical people.

The Dangers of Misusing Adderall

Adderall is considered safe when taken as prescribed by a physician for children and adults with ADHD or narcolepsy. Taking Adderall without a prescription or taking more than prescribed is very dangerous. In this case, taking Adderall creates an excess of these chemicals in the brain, which can have negative effects.

Side Effects of Adderall

Prolonged misuse of Adderall increases the severity and risk of side effects, some of which may be permanent. Side effects include:

  • Decreased appetite and weight loss
  • Sleeplessness
  • Irregular or increased heart rate
  • Dry mouth
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Increased risk of stroke or heart attack

While some people may feel the positive effects of Adderall and believe it’s helping them, they may actually feel worse when the Adderall is cleared from their system. This can actually lead to some symptoms that are felt by people with ADHD, like struggling to focus, feeling sluggish, and having little motivation. These feelings mean those taking Adderall without a prescription are at increased risk of disordered use.

Adderall Addiction

Adderall is categorized as a Schedule II controlled substance, which means that there is a high risk of addiction. When taken at high doses for a long period of time, your body builds up a tolerance, so higher and higher doses are needed to feel the desired effects.

Some people may also want to self-diagnose if they suspect ADHD-like symptoms. They may only want to “test out” Adderall to see if it helps. When they feel the positive effects, they believe it’s because they need the drug, and continue taking it when it isn’t necessary.

Counterfeit Adderall

Adderall is a popular medication that is frequently prescribed, which makes it pretty widely available to both adults and teens. However, there’s a warning that anyone trying to access Adderall without a prescription needs to heed: Adderall that is not obtained legally is often counterfeit and dangerous. This means it could be cut with anything, including fentanyl or methamphetamine, which could lead to serious health complications, overdose, and even death.

Adderall Overdose and Drug Interactions

While Adderall overdose is unlikely, it is possible, especially when it is taken outside the supervision of your healthcare provider. When Adderall is taken in combination with other recreational or prescription drugs, the risk of overdose is much higher.

Adderall can interact with antidepressants, cold medicines, and blood pressure medications, as well as many others. Mixing Adderall with alcohol can be very dangerous as well.

How to Safely Withdraw From Adderall

Most of the time, individuals who have been taking prescription Adderall under the advice of a physician can easily and safely stop taking it, though they may need to slowly taper their dosage before completely quitting.

It’s a different situation for those who are taking Adderall without a prescription, and may be dealing with substance use disorder. For them, stopping Adderall suddenly can cause serious withdrawal symptoms. Here’s what Adderall withdrawal can look like:

  • Loss of energy
  • Intense cravings
  • Panic attacks
  • Tremors
  • Body aches
  • Mood swings
  • Inability to focus
  • Depression
  • Mental health issues
  • Short-term memory loss

If you have been taking Adderall for ADHD, talk to your doctor about tapering off slowly. Prolonged use of high doses may require medical treatment and therapy.

Getting Help With Adderall Dependency From Caron

If you or a loved one are worried about your Adderall use or fear that you may be addicted to Adderall, there is help available. While Adderall is perceived as being not as dangerous as other illicit drugs, it can still have severe repercussions on your health and life.

With college admissions becoming more competitive, academic pressure is higher than ever. This stress has led many teens to misuse Adderall in an attempt to keep up, with nearly 1 in 4 high school students who misuse prescription stimulants turning to Adderall. If you or a young person in your life needs support, our Teen Program offers compassionate guidance to help teens develop healthier coping strategies.

At Caron, we’re here to provide the treatment and support you deserve. You don’t have to go through this alone — give us a call today or click here to connect with a professional.

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