Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Assessment Program
Program Details
School and healthcare professionals, with versions for each
Estimated Completion Time:
60 minutes
Number of Modules:
Identify & Intervene Problematic Substance Use
Course Description
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based practice used to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs. Caron’s SBIRT modules will:
- Highlight for school and healthcare professionals various screening tools available to assess for harmful and hazardous substance use patterns.
- Demonstrate motivational interviewing techniques to guide students and patients towards healthy change.
- Identify resources should further assessment or treatment be needed.
Topics covered include:
- The addiction epidemic.
- Addiction as a disease.
- What the data shows.
- Why we need to care.
- Prevention and treatment.
- Screening.
- Brief intervention.
- Referral to treatment.
- School-based studies.
Expected Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
- Define each step of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment.
- Understand the progressive nature of substance use disorders and the importance of early intervention.
- Describe the efficacy of SBIRT as a strategy in addressing harmful and hazardous substance use behavior patterns.
- Identify effective screening tools to use with students, patients, and clients.
- Utilize motivational interviewing techniques to move people toward positive change during a brief intervention.
- Identify appropriate school-based and community resources if a referral for further assessment is necessary.
- Print a Certificate of Completion for documentation of completing the program successfully.
I would like to thank Caron for the continued support offered to our students and their families. We have been so impressed with the level of support and more specifically the virtual support. We have utilized the training for our interns and have received extremely positive feedback. This training has provided our interns with an advantage in their level of comfort in facilitating group work."
Take the Course or Learn More
School Professionals:
- Take the course. New users, please use the “Sign Up” link on the next page to set a password. Returning users, you can sign-in using your email and previously selected password.
- Download the School Professionals brochure.
Healthcare Professionals:
- Take the course. New users, please use the “Sign Up” link on the next page to set a password. Returning users, you can sign-in using your email and previously selected password.
- Download the Healthcare Professionals brochure.
For more information, contact Caron’s Education Alliance at 610-743-6117 or return to our Digital Learning library for more options.
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