Marijuana & Vaping Among Youth - Trends & Prevention Course
Program Details
School, child-serving, and healthcare professionals working with middle and high school youth
Estimated Completion Time:
45 minutes
Number of Modules:
Course Description
As a school, child-serving, or healthcare professional, you have the ability to impact the youth you serve and help them avoid substance use. To be effective in your efforts, you first need to understand the pressures and motives behind their decision to begin using. This program will help you understand the whys of use, employ proven prevention tactics, identify those already using through observable behaviors, and recognize marijuana and vaping trends and devices.
Expected Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify nicotine and marijuana vaping devices, their components, and appeal to youth.
- Describe the negative impact of nicotine and marijuana on the developing brain and body.
- Recognize strategies for building assets in youth that will minimize risk factors and boost protective factors.
- Print a Certificate of Completion for documentation of completing the program successfully.
Take the Course or Learn More
- Take the course. New users, please use the “Sign Up” link on the next page to set a password. Returning users, you can sign-in using your email and previously selected password.
- Contact Caron’s Education Department for more information about this course at 610-743-6117.
- Download or print a course brochure.
- Return to the Digital Learning library.
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