Fact Sheets

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

Approximately 140,000 people each year, or 380 each day, die from excessive alcohol use in America, according to CDC reports, and is a leading cause of preventable death.

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), commonly referred to as alcoholism or alcohol addiction, is a chronic disease that can be effectively treated with evidence-based modalities with behavioral therapies and ongoing support. Although alcohol is legal for adults, there are risks depending upon age, gender, genetics, mental health conditions, and one's drinking patterns. Explore our resources for a better understanding of how alcohol affects our bodies physically, cognitively, and mentally.


Alcohol is Killing More People Than Fentanyl

Alcohol deaths still outpace those of fentanyl and opioids.

Women vs. Men: Physical Impact

From enzymes to telescoping effect, alcohol impacts women's physiques differently.

Short & Long-Term Effects:

Find out what alcohol really does to the brain and body.

Why Alcohol and Prescription Medications

May Be Making Your Anxiety and Depression Worse

Perception vs. Reality:

There’s more alcohol in your drink than you think... and it’s killing you.

Understanding AUD

Gain insights on why alcohol is so addictive and what you can do to treat alcohol use disorder.

Media Contacts

Kristin Campbell-Salamone
Corporate Director of PR & Communications, Caron
215-292-5526 | kcampbell-salamone@caron.org

Katie Kennedy
Senior Vice President, Gregory FCA
610-731-1045 | caron@gregoryfca.com

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