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Caron Treatment Centers Cuts Unusual Contract with Independence Blue Cross

Addiction/Recovery eBulletin picked up this story, which was initially published by The Philadelphia Inquirer about the game-changing contract that Caron established with Independence Blue Cross. Not only does this value-based contract increase access to quality care, but also it is indicative of Caron's well-performing treatment model.

IBC paid Caron one single upfront fee for its members, avoiding the practice of policing that care. If the patient needed to be readmitted within the first 90-days after discharge, IBC would not have to pay and Caron would absorb the cost.

If you look at it from a quality of life perspective, it’s better."

Richard Snyder, Chief Medical Officer
Independence Blue Cross

According to the article, "Data released Thursday at the Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit by Caron and IBC showed that a relatively small 5.6% of the 71 IBC members treated at Caron in 2019 were readmitted within 90 days. The readmission rate for six other unidentified providers IBC had in its network ranged from 11.6% to 25.7%. The total number of patients treated was 645.

Read Caron Treatment Centers Cuts Unusual Contract with Independence Blue Cross.

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