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Corinne Berger

Corinne Berger
Family Therapist
Corinne Berger

Corinne Berger is a Family Therapist working with young adult and teen patients and their family members. Her primary role is to help the whole family understand substance use disorder and learn skills to create healthy changes in the family system.

She accomplishes this by providing therapeutic support to enable healthier relationships and tools for self-care. She also educates and assists families to better understand substance use disorder, its treatment, and what is needed to sustain recovery.

Corinne began working in this role in 2022, having interned at the Caron Outpatient Treatment Center in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, while getting her master’s in social work in 2014 and 2015. She has 10 years of experience working in child welfare with children, youth, and families. She also has worked in the correctional system's mental health department as a licensed social worker assisting inmates with mental health issues and substance use disorder.

Before coming to Caron, Corinne worked as a forensic therapist with a private agency, providing individual and group therapy for sex offenders, victims, perpetrators of domestic violence, and individuals with trauma and mental health disorders.

Corinne is a licensed social worker with a Master of Social Work from West Chester University in West Chester, Pennsylvania. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Kutztown University.

A man and a woman leaning on each other

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